Dear Family and Friends!
It’s been wonderful here in Roseville, MI! So on Monday we had the most amazing tour guides show us downtown Detroit. The Hubbards are truly the best. Let me wrap up this P-day with a few words: opa, gierros, Canada, General Motors, first pumping the fist, Ferran’s, Fake beaches, OK I lied this P-day was too good for a few words! The Hubbards spoiled us like they usually do. So this week the main people who are progressing are John, Emma, Aliza, William and Calle!

This week we focused on taking members with us to teach the lessons! Sister Wood and I had some awesome experiences! The members here are great! So Sister Cornett is a sweetheart, she taught 5 lessons with us! She also gave me a PTA shirt of hers because she’s a PTA and found out that’s what I want to do! She bought us slulrpees and we had dinner with her. She came with us to teach Carl who is struggling to understand God’s love and she bore her testimony. She cried and I began to get emotional - but I kept it in. Then there is Sister Gaus who 100% believes that “drones” follow her around everywhere. She got very mad at us saying she was awesome and we are no longer allowed to flatter her anymore. Anyways, a couple of miracles this week. First I’ll start with Elda. So after two appointments falling through we said a prayer of faith. We felt prompted to go to this house that didn’t seem too extraordinary. When we knocked a lady named Elda came out. She was from Mexico and she was so sweet. We started talking about how God blesses families. We said a prayer and she started crying. She told us she had prayed for help with a grandson who is struggling. She said before we came she opened her mailbox and there was a picture of Christ and then we showed up. She told us that God had answered her prayer by sending us. The best part about being a missionary is seeing cool miracles like that all the time. This week I wrote my testimony in a Greek Book of Mormon to give to Pipina. She said her daughter would read it to her. So a couple of fun things that happened this week. We made peanut butter cookies for a less active. Of course we ate some. Have you ever tried putting chunky peanut butter on peanut butter cookies! So yum! We took the peanut butter cookies onto our balcony with the couch cushions and watched fireworks (they go off all the time) while we wrote in our journals! It was so fun! Please go check out the song Nearer My Good to Thee by Kyle Henderson! It is sooo good! Also, someone started fainting while we were teaching him. He started falling onto me. It was so scary. I love you all! Listen to the spirit. In your prayers ask God what you can do for him. I know that God has a perfect plan for his imperfect children. Allow God to shape you. He can only shape you if you are humble. I’ve learned that every day. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is always working. He never stops. I want to work hard for this small amount of time he has given me. I Love You!

Sister Jacobsen
P.S. Look up Psalms 27:14 (Sis. Woods scripture she shared with me.)
P.S.S. The cookies I made were gluten free and the easiest recipe ever! 1 cup of peanut butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg - Boo Yah!
P.S.S.S. We are playing chair soccer today. I’m so excited!
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