Hello Everybody!
So this week was unreal! So many miracles! God is so involved in our lives and knows us all individually!:) So last P-day we deep cleaned our apartment! It needed it! Not it’s all homie and nice! But we are NEVER home so I guess it doesn’t matter!
Anyways, I want to start off talking about Aliza! She is a beautiful black lady in her late 30’s and we were teaching her the second lesson. She told us that she gets a good vibe whenever we are in her home. We explained that her feeling she was having is the Holy Ghost. We invited her to be baptized and she said YES! I was so happy! We still have a long road to go but she’s definitely on the right track and she can feel the spirit. So I’m very excited!:) So the next person I want to talk about is Emma. Emma fought cancer and she is also in her 30’s. She is crazy addicted to smoking. Her dog Maggie even smokes 2-3 cigarettes a day. She had a baptism date but the Sister missionaries had to take her off because of smoking! But good news! We put her back on date this week because we talked to her about why she wants to get baptized and emphasized her relationship with Jesus Christ. I promised I’d get her some yarn and crochet hooks to keep her hands busy. Emma is such a neat person. She has such a kind heart. I feel like I’m learning so much from my investigators. OK, now I get to talk about William. So William is actually 15 and he doesn’t have down syndrome. He was a miracle baby! He was born 1 pound 4 ounces. He has a tube he uses to eat but he just barely started to eat on his own. He has some disabilities but he is truly amazing. He makes everyone around him happy and you can just tell how he is so close to God. William and his Dad came to church with us yesterday and he absolutely loved it. He wanted to go to the afternoon services too. We talked to William and his Dad about being baptized since you are suppose to invite them on the first lesson and they are definitely wanting to! But William is super scared of the water. So we will see what happens. I know God has blessed me with William. He makes me smile every time I see him plus he calls like 10 times a day with questions! He use to say Hallelujah black praise prayers but now his prayers are quiet, gentle and soft. The spirit is so strong and they are so precious. OK, I have to hurry. Next person is Callie. She works a ton so its hard to see her a lot but she’s on date and she comes to church. Callie has been so prepared but she is taking her time to learn and grow. So John is also super awesome. We brought him a Book of Mormon and he totally understood and agreed with the Restoration! We also invited him to be baptized on the first lesson and he said YES! He is HUGE so I’m having doubts! Ha Ha JK! I’m so happy and excited for him. So we had two other miracles this week. A girl named Samantha somehow got our numbers and texted us saying, “I want to learn about Mormonism.” Also a guy named Danny walked into church and came wanting to know more. He loved church and it was amazing.

So I had a delightful surprise this week. Sister wood and I got back from knocking doors and someone kept knocking on our door. We got scared so we began to say a prayer. Then the knocker said, “Sister Jacobsen, Sister Jacobsen.” I was soo confused! But it ended up being Mama Hubbard! Jane’s mom! (My room mate from college) She was so sweet! She brought us cookies and homemade Mac’n Cheese! She also received special permission from President Gerber to take us out on P-Days and show us Michigan. Today we are going to the zoo! I’m so excited. So fireworks are super popular here. They are always going off at night!
Well, I’m doing so good! I know that God loves me so much and I just love these people so much! I’m still adjusting, but God’s given me the resources to do it! Check these to scrips out! D&C 84:88 and Mosiah 24:14. I love you guys! Stay sweet!
Sister Jacobsen
P.S. I met a little girl that has the amount of sass as Macee. That’s a lot of sass! The people here are awesome!!!
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