I have no time this week because we are going to the zoo and I am sharing half of my computer time with my companion! But here are a couple quotes and pictures I wanted to leave with you! "If you saw everyone with their full potential, you would worship them."
"Fear is a reaction, courage is a decision" "Patience with family is love, Patience with others is respect, Patience with yourself is confidence." "You aren't born a winner. You aren't born a loser. You are born a chooser." THIS WEEK WAS GREAT AND I AM SO HAPPY HERE AND I LOVE YOU ALL HEAPS!
PICS: I totally asked this man if I could do his hedging for him and he let me! Plus we get to come by next week to share a message with him!
This is what my companion did to comfort me when I was crying about the sureskumar family moving! She is so sweet!
Trunk of treat! SO MUCH FUN!
P.s. look up alma 7:23-24
Also I bore my testimony yesterday in our ward and it is so rewarding to see how much my testimony has grown on my mission! I love being a missionary! I love Australia!
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