Dear Mates (people really do say that here)
She is the cutest sister missionary to ever walk this planet. We are still working with our investigators! Emma is doing great and the Sureskumar family is doing great! One of the members found a job for Rajen. The upside was he got a job but the downside is he has to work on sunday, so i think our plan backfired. We found some great new investigators this week too! Pray for Sella and Deborah! Ok for my spiritual message! I received a letter from a friend this week and they shared some amazing scriptures with me! I think you should all look them up! D&C 88:123-126, 2 Nephi 4:16, 4:27-29. Ok also I was reading in Nephi and i read about how Nephi felt he was the most awful man to walk the planet. Read 2 Nephi 4:17-18. But then i read how we need to react to hard times. Read 2 Nephi 4:20-30! But my favorite scripture this week was 2 Tim 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love and of a sound mind." Je vous aimes tous, l'evangile et l'eglise est vrai. (I love you all! The Book is Blue, the Church is true)
Sister Morgan and i (i may have been on my tippy toes and she may have crouched a bit)
Flat Mates
Sofae(investigator) with my pineapple dress from Bri and my new sandals!
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