Ok moving on, I also got to see David Archuletta and Sister Dalton this week! There is this amazing thing called Time Out For Women and the sister missionaries were allowed to go if they brought somebody with them. So we brought a busload of less actives haha. Seriously though we brought five and it was so fun! We went to Sydney for the conference. It was at Olympic park. I saw Brad Wilcox, Sandra Turley, The women who wrote President Monson's biography, David Archuletta and some other people! It was soooo much fun! David Archuletta signed my planner haha. Side note, Sister Chaipinit has a huge crush on David. Sister Betham was like im going to get him to sign my Scriptures and Sister Chaipinit was like, i'm going to get him to sign my temple recommend. I was dying. They we ran into Sister Dalton. She saw Sister Chaipinit and i and said, "My Girls!"
Ok other than that we saw the thai lady again! She is so cool! Also, we have a super keen investigator named Sella. I'm pretty sure she will be getting baptized within the next month or so! We love our flat so much. We are pretty close with President so we "bribed" him with 10 dollars to keep us all together for the next transfer haha. This week i learned how important planning is. I love the quote "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!" OK i love yous all! they say "yous" in Australia! Have a great week!
P.s. Sister Chaipinit sleeplaughs.
P.P.S. there are a lot of cuss words in america that aren't cuss words in Australia. Let's just say the bishop has cusses multiple times haha.
P.P.P.S. Women, look up D&C 25 and substitute your name in! Also, look up Alma 36:6-7 Math 25:4 Proverbs 17:22
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