We went to Sister Allen's this week to share a message and all the sudden she whips out some oil and starts putting it on Sister Chaipinits face, Then she forced me to put it on my face too. There are HEAPS of tongans and somoans here and they WILL NOT take no for an answer haha. I am still getting used to walking on the left. It is so hard. It is my natural instinct to walk on the right. I am helping Sister Chaipinit learn English and every time she goes to send a text I check it before we send it and one time she showed me a txt that read, " Hello Roy is it ok if we come over and share a massage with you." I told her what she said and she laughed super hard. Anyways I've been studying a ton about pride this week. Probably because I really want to humble myself. There are so many Christlike attributes that I need to work on. Jesus Christ had the perfect personality. In the scriptures it talks about how we have to have a broken heart and contrite spirit so that we can humble ourselves. We can choose to be humble or God will humble us. I want to choose to be humble haha. In a talk by Elder Benson it says, "Pride is Ugly, it says if you succeed, i'm a failure." A lot of times we compare ourselves to others. At least I do. When we do that we are being prideful. But then I read "if we love god, do his will, and fear judgement more than men's, we will have self esteem." So my goal this week is to not compare myself but to try and lift others up!!! I also realized that sometimes people put on masks. Like as missionaries sometimes we put on the "missionary mask" or when we go to church we put on the "church mask" and then we leave we go back to being the natural man. That's not how it is supposed to be.There should be no mask. It should be real. We are supposed to love ourselves and try and seek the good qualities we have and try to better ourselves every day. If we take each day one day at a time we can become those sons and daughters of God that our Heavenly Father knows and wants us to be. I know we get what we are putting into it. Ask yourself the question, "What am I putting into it?" Don't blame mistakes on others. Ask "Lord is it I". This gospel is so good. I love you all so much!!!
P.s. Here are some good scrips for this week Mosiah 4:9 2 Nephi 22:2 Alma 37:36 oh also #jacob6:12
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